The Prince & Princess are chosen based on the individual who has the biggest pumpkin, by measured size.
- Pumpkins must be grown in Tuscola County.
- The boy/girl must live in Tuscola County.
- The boy/girl must be in 2nd through 6th grade.
- Previous winners are not eligible to win two years in a row.
- The winners must be present at the crowning ceremony at the Tuscola County Courthouse at 6:15 p.m. on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2025
- The winners must be available to have portraits taken at NOON on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 2025.
- Must be available to ride in the Pumpkin Festival Parade which begins at 1:30 p.m. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 2025 Parents should meet the car at the end of the parade (at the Tuscola County Fairgrounds). If someone other than their parents will be picking up the Prince/Princess, arrangements must be made with the driver of the car prior to that start of the parade.
- The winners must make an appearance, to be introduced to the crowd, at the Post Parade entertainment tent, after the parade on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 2025
- The winners must be available to ride in various parades throughout the year. It is up the Prince/Princess parents to make arrangements to be in the parade. A list of contacts can be obtained from the Tuscola County Pumpkin Festival.
- The winners must be available to assist in crowning the following year’s Prince/Princess at the Tuscola County Courthouse at 6:15 p.m.
Questions may be referred to the Pumpkin Festival
Information Line at (989) 325-5323